New Moon collective Tarot Reading πŸŒ‘

The estimated read is 4 minutes.

It’s been a while since I shared a full blog post on a collective reading. If you’re seeing this you likely saw my initial post on Instagram. I put a special extra card in here just for you if you keep scrolling on down.

Now, let’s get right into it.

Collective Reading

For this new moon reflection in Virgo, we got the Queen of Cups. And, I just have to share, I felt her before even grabbing for this deck (We’re using Queer Tarot, if you’re curious).

Cups are associated with emotions, feelings, and relationships. And queens exist in an archetype that is nurturing, intuitive, and refined.

Protect Your Heart, is the message that she shares.

Are your emotions high? You’re not alone. We must be gentle with ourselves.

Now is a good time to examine how full our cup is and just who fills it.

Allow time for introspection to sort out emotions. And yes, that means a little time alone, away from distractions like the phone and other people. If we’ve spent a lot of time with others and out of our own personal space, now might be a good time to go inward for a bit.

September is the ninth month of the Gregorian year, correlating with The Hermit Card, Virgo, and also our transition into Autumn, reiterating some need for introspection.

In this time, trust ourselves on the people, places, and things that make us feel good and also those that may cause our stomach to churn.

Consider how we might nurture the relationships we have that help us to feel held and secure.

We might also allow for some creative expression to help release and move through emotions that we’ve been hanging on to.

Please remember that creativity looks many different ways, it doesn’t always have to mean a painting or a song. We could also rearrange a room or make ourself a new meal.

Bonus Card

I pulled one more card for some additional clarity for those seeking to go a little deeper.

The Two of Wands greets us reversed and asks, To what end are we working?

Examination and Analysis are large components of the Virgo archetype. With the fiery wands relating to passion, creativity, and the energy we bring to life, the Two of Wands wants us to spend time working to examine the world that we are bringing forth into our reality.

The people that we nurture and nurture us are key players in our best next step forward.

In short, we’re all wonderfully connected and it’s important that we work intentionally with the reciprocal energies that align with the vision we want to bring forth. This comes into focus with introspection and as I always share, maybe some journaling πŸ˜‰.

Want to dig deeper?

Previously, I’ve written about both the Two of Wands and the High Priestess which is the Major Arcana associated with the number two.

Find more meaning by diving into these older writings:

Enjoy This Collective Tarot Reading?

I’m seeking opportunities to do more tarot reading at parties and events and continue popping up at markets in Houston, Texas and beyond. Currently, I offer various virtual tarot readings you can see on my tarot page.

I’m doing limited house visit tarot readings in the Greater-Houston area, also. Visit my contact page for questions and details.

Keep up with me on social via Facebook and Instagram.




Pride Dream Tarot Reflection: Two of Pentacles


Full to New Moon Release, May 2023 πŸŒ•πŸŒ–πŸŒ—πŸŒ˜πŸŒ‘