Twenty Twenty-Two, Time Cycles, and the Fool

With another year starting, I contemplate on what's the "right thing" to start the year. This thought of perfection in the interpretation of myself and my thoughts keeps me from sharing. It keeps me from doing. And then I wonder if I need to share at all. In any case, here I am.

It is January 2nd and the New Moon is in Capricorn as the sun resides in the same sign, now is a time to do. With a new year beginning, I'm sharing some recent experiences with the The Fool tarot card and some thoughts on time.

The tarot card of The Fool, illuminated itself to me on the night of Tuesday, December 21st. I had at least three dreams that I remembered that night. The last one was me doing a reading for a friend and client that I had booked for later in the week. In this dream I was doing a twelve-card "Year Ahead" spread.

Twelve Card Year Ahead tarot spread that I offer.

In this spread, I lay out a card for each month to share monthly themes and things to look out for. In the dream, this spread had all twelve cards laid out in two rows of six and face down. This dream spread was a little different though. Two non-tarot cards appeared at the top of the reading in my "something to consider" placements face up. Another card capped the very end face up also, The Fool.

I woke up Wednesday and wrote the dream down in my notes app on my phone. I was set to drive to Waco that day to read tarot in person for another friend. I hadn't seen this person in over ten years and they wanted to support my work and catch up. On the drive over I was contemplating my dream. I thought about how the Fool card showed up at the end of the reading but all the other cards were face down.

I ruminated on the idea that the dream was showing both a beginning and ending. I could not see the cards in the past of the Fool card. All the past cards were turned over. There were no cards laid out in the future positions. It seemed to me, The Fool was representing being able to move forward regardless of what happened in the past and with a big question mark leading into the future. The two non-tarot cards that showed up seemed to represent some sadness and grief.

The Tarot spread that appeared in my dreams.

I shared the dream with my friend once in Waco before giving them their tarot reading. I shuffled my cards and set my intention. I laid the cards out. I flipped them over. And there, in the past position of my four-card spread, The Fool appeared. I shared a laugh and had an affirming reading for my friend. The day ended happy and I drove back home thinking more about my dreams and The Fool.

The following day I would have to read for my friend that appeared in my dream. This was going to be done virtually since they lived further away. During our call, I recounted to them about the dream and my time in Waco, it felt relevant to our connection. We shared our thoughts and ideas on the dream and then I shuffled the cards, set my intentions, and laid them out. Flipping the cards over one-by-one, it happened again. The Fool card appeared in the past position of the four-card spread.

The message was clear.

No matter what is behind us or what is ahead, we're always on a journey to experience learn new things about ourselves and our connection to the world around us. I took the reading as a sign of collective experiences. I then shared the more personalized message the cards seemed to lay out with my friend.

Later, I would do a reading for another friend and I shared a bit about the Fool with them. They asked me if the Fool was bad, which is a valid question from someone not too familiar with tarot, and I said no. The Fool represents the start of a journey. It could be bad, it could be good, the point is that it's a start, a new opportunity or adventure. 

Earlier in December, I wrote about liminal spaces and The High Priestess. Now I'm sharing the Fool as a card to consider as we move into twenty twenty-two. I hope we can all see that each moment we have the opportunity to try new things or make the same mistakes.



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IRL event booking with COVID-19 precautions coming soon. Email to inquire about collaboration and more in the Houston, Austin, and Dallas area or virtually.


The Year Ahead Spread


Tarot Card Pull: II The High Priestess ✨