Manifest Healing Dreams, World Wide Web Weaving

Hello there!

I’m writing to introduce an event that I’ve been thinking about for a while. With COVID-19 still greatly affecting the way we live, work, and socialize, I figure now is the time to start to bring this virtual space to fruition.  

Manifest Healing Dreams is a virtual small-group gathering to support and share dreams of the future. 

With Manifest Healing Dreams I want to start to connect the dots and weave a web of futures that support solidarity among communities with diverse backgrounds and talents.  

In this event my hope is that we can: 

  • Build relationships that bridge the virtual and digital world

  • Share about projects or collaborations we are working on

  • Build upon our concepts of solidarity and action  

For this event we will meet via Google Meet. My intention is to keep the group small to encourage more sharing. This is the first virtual meeting but I hope to host more in the future if it is helpful and to augment and transform this offering as I learn and grow with others.

With Love, 



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