2025, The Hermit, and the Number 9
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Below are some considerations as we begin the Gregorian New Year.
The number of the year 2025 is 9. This is determined by adding the numbers 2+0+2+5.
The Hermit is one of the twenty-two special cards in a tarot deck, known as the Major Arcana, that represents the number 9.
The Hermit 🐚
The Hermit emphasizes slowing down, moving with intentions, and expressing gratitude for how far we've come, before taking our next steps.
In numerology, it is the last step before completing a cycle and comes with some solitude and introspection. This leads to growth and spiritual development.
It has associations with the astrological sign Virgo and the planet Mercury. These symbols might suggest taking time to be analytical, practical, and communicative not just with other people but also ourselves.
Going slow is not easy in the world we live in. Every day, another emergency seems to appear.
When the Hermit comes we might consider these questions:
Instead of only running away from what is causing pain, what do we intentionally move towards?
When the world around us doesn’t seem right, what can we do personally to make life for ourselves and others a little bit better?
How may we carve out space for reflection and planning so that we may leave behind harmful patterns and start to foster actions guided by our heart?
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Want to dive deeper into the symbolism of The Hermit or what to expect for the year ahead? Check gatocurio.com/book-now to book some time with me on a virtual call or through text.